
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community


We are delighted to say that we are an Ofsted 'Good' academy

"Leaders ensure the curriculum goes well beyond the academic…lessons also teach pupils about how to stay safe, the value of the law, mutual respect and tolerance."
Ofsted, 2021

Following our Ofsted inspection in October 2021, the academy was judged to have improved into a 'Good' school in all areas. 

When Ofsted inspected the Academy they found:

“Leaders’ high standards have led to many improvements in the Academy over recent years.”
“Leaders ensure the curriculum goes well beyond the academic.”
“Students learn the importance of respect and this is clear in the way they behave.”
“No stone is left unturned - to keep students safe.”
“Keeping students safe is the top priority in the Academy.”
“Lessons teach students about how to stay safe, the value of the law, mutual respect and tolerance.”
“Leaders ensure the curriculum goes well beyond the academic…lessons also teach students about how to stay safe, the value of the law, mutual respect and tolerance.”
“Leaders have a clear vision for the curriculum.”
“Students enjoy good relationships with staff and feel safe and well cared for.”
“Leaders set high standards for students in all aspects of Academy life.”

A full copy of Ofsted's Inspection Report can be viewed and downloaded here. 

To see a full list of previous inspections along with our current report, please visit the Ofsted website.

For more information about why Ofsted inspections take place and what happens during these visits please click here: School Inspections - A Guide for Parents.

Please see this link for the Education Inspection Framework.