
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Literacy & Numeracy Catch-Up

Catch Up Premium

The Catch-Up Premium is used by schools to provide literacy and numeracy catch-up support for Year 7 students. It enables those students that did not achieve level 4 in reading and/or mathematics at Key Stage 2 to be given the opportunity to catch up as quickly as possible.

At Oasis Academy Immingham we have a variety of strategies to enable students to catch up and these are designed to meet the individual needs of the identified students. The Catch-Up Premium is separate to the Pupil Premium, although there may be a significant overlap of students who are entitled to both forms of support.

Like the Pupil Premium, the Catch-Up Premium is reported online by the school annually and contains information on the funding allocation, strategies used and impact of spending on the students.

Impact of Y7 Catch-Up Funding

These funds were used to partially contribute towards having smaller class sizes for the academically weakest students who failed to achieve the required standard in KS2, as well as partially funding teaching assistants in some classes.

The funding was also used in conjunction with PP funding to pay for the Accelerated Reading Scheme for these students, as well as helping to facilitate smaller class sizes, where student levels of literacy and numeracy were weakest.

A proportion of the Catch-Up funding has also been utilised to develop the ‘Mastery’ approach to subject delivery and offers a different methodology to that taught at KS2.

Catch-Up Premium Going Forward

As long as Catch-Up Funding continues to be available we will use it to sustain smaller class sizes for our children who have failed to reach the required standard in English and/or Maths.

Any funding will continue to be used to raise standards of whole school literacy via the ‘Accelerated Reading’ scheme as well as contributing towards the funding of the scheme and paying for specialist delivery.

In Maths, funding will be spent to further develop the ‘Mastery’ approach to subject delivery, and the expected impact of this is to see a greater understanding of mathematical processes, which will be evidenced through improved outcomes.