
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Attendance and Punctuality

Oasis Academy Immingham upholds stringent standards for student attendance and punctuality, striving for a 100% rate. However, the academy acknowledges that students may occasionally experience illness, setting a target of 94% or higher.


AM Register: The start time for students is 8:30 am and the school gate closes at 08:26. Students who arrive after 08:26 am will be marked late. Students arriving after 8:26 am will need to sign the late register at the school reception and receive an after-school detention. The AM register closes at 9:00 am and students will receive an absent mark after this time.

PM Register: The register on Monday and Tuesday will close at 12:15 am. The register on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will close at 12:45 am.

Term Time Holidays

Schools are not allowed to authorise holidays. Please complete a 'Request for Leave Form' form if you intend to take your child on holiday during term time.

Designated Attendance Office: Paul Manarin


Attendance Sections