
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community


This section of the website holds key exam information for candidates who are sitting exams over the course of 2022/23 academic year.


Awarding Bodies

Awarding Bodies (or examination boards) are regulated organisations who govern qualifications. We are an approved examination centre for the following awarding bodies:

  • AQA
  • OCR
  • Pearson / Edexcel
  • WJEC / Eduqas


Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) set out the instructions for conducting examinations and assessments. This includes important information for candidates. This information is disseminated within school but can additionally be found on the JCQ website using the following link:

JCQ Information for Candidates

Statements of Entry

In advance of any exams all candidates are given the following information:

  • Statement of Entry - This tells the candidate exams and components they have been entered to take
  • An Individual Exam Timetable - This tells a candidate when the exams they have been entered for are taking place
  • A JCQ Information for Candidates - This document provided by the JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications) is written to help exam candidates be clear about exam procedures.

Candidates are also frequently reminded of forthcoming exams through staff, email, social media and also via information supplied on the Exam Information Board located on the ground floor of our school.

GCSE Results Day

Results will be released to candidates on Thursday 22nd August 2024.

Post Result Enquiries

Enquiry about Results (AER)

In extreme cases, a candidate may feel that he/she has grounds for making an EAR to the examination board for one of your results. There are various levels of enquiry that can be made including asking for a re-mark of his/her paper. You should discuss this with the relevant Head of Department. This is expensive and we cannot apply without good reason. All enquiries must be submitted to the Exams Office via the Head of Department by the first week in September. Candidates must sign a consent form before this can be processed.

Re-marks are normally paid for by the school, but only with the support of a senior member of staff. If the Head of Department/ senior member of staff does not support a candidate’s wish to appeal against your result but he/she still wishes to go ahead, he/she must pay the fee before the application can be made. Written consent is also required before the application can be made. In these instances, contact must be made with the Exams Officer or Mr Manarin, Assistant Principal as soon as possible.

Access to Scripts

In addition to these services, a candidate can apply to see his/her original marked exam papers. Consent is required and there is a fee for each paper, usually paid for by the school, if there is deemed to be sufficient cause. This must also be requested via the Head of the Department for the relevant subject.

Any applications to obtain exam papers must be made through the relevant Head of Department and submitted to the Exams Office by the first week in September.

Centre Assessed Results and Review of Marking

Some qualifications include components that are not written examinations. These include controlled assessments and non-examination assessments and are marked by members of staff. Oasis Academy Immingham is committed to ensuring the process for doing this is done fairly and consistently and in accordance with the awarding body’s specification and subject-specific associated documents.

Contacting our Exams Team

Our school Exams Officer is Sarah Habbershaw.