
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Progress Evenings

Help Guide for booking appointments

  • From the MCAS dashboard parents can book appointments with all teachers who teach your child.
  • Appointments will be conducted on a phone call and staff will be using the priority 1 contact number assigned to those who made the booking. You are able to check your contact details are accurate using the MCAS site/app using the "My account" details.
  • Be advised that the number may display as "unknown".
  • Please ensure if you are using a mobile phone on the evening that you are somewhere with good reception and battery life.
  • Appointments are made with 6 minute intervals to allow a 5 minute progress update to take place and that both you and the teacher are free to make and receive the next call.
  • Bookings will be made on a first come first serve basis however if a teacher is booked and you would like an update please contact your child's tutor so that your questions can be forwarded to the correct teacher. We can make contact through email at a later date/evening.

For more information on the MCAS app and how to access your child's account please find more information here: